The Mindful Chaos
The Mindful Chaos is a sanctuary where you discover that daily, trivial things in life may be all connected to your mental health. When being late isn't about being late, there's a deeper meaner to why you're always angry, and why a chore doesn't just feel like a chore.
A counsellor wannabe, Claudia Cheung, and an actual therapist, David Lui, aims to uncover the reasons to why you're feeling a certain way, and you may find out, you're not alone.
We're all connected in this chaos in our minds, so let’s turn it into - mindful chaos.
16 episodes
Why do I keep getting ghosted?
Whether you're a ghoster or a ghostee, you've most definitely been on either end of the stick - so why do we do this? Are there certain personality types that are most prone to ghosting? How do you deal when you've been ghosted? And finally, is...
Season 2
Episode 7

Is what you're wearing affecting your mental health?
Disclaimer: In this episode, we only talk about fashion in the sense of how you dress, the styles and colour choices. We don't talk about the other areas surrounding fashion that definitely does very seriously affect people's mental health.
Season 2
Episode 6

Being a morning or night person can affect your personality?
Are you a morning or a night person? Claudia and David dive into what either of those mean, and whether being a morning or night person has anything to do with your personality. They answer questions like whether it's true that Morning people a...
Season 2
Episode 5

The shocking connection between losing socks and your mental health!
If you've ever lost a sock (or multiple), then you'll understand the frustration of having a basket full of single socks in your closet. But what does this have to do with our mental health? Is it our laundry machine's fault or is it actually t...
Season 2
Episode 4

Chinese Parents Edition: Why are fruits a love language?
If you're Chinese and your parents have cut you fruit then you know what we're talking about! Chinese parents don't say "I love you", instead, they cut you fruits. Claudia and David share their own experience with their parents, ho...
Season 2
Episode 3

Is it easier for extroverts to find love?
Well...is it? Claudia and David dive into the misconception (or not) that it's easier for extroverts to find love, in comparison to introverts. They share their own stance as an introverted extrovert vs an extroverted introvert, an...
Season 2
Episode 2

Is Your Inner Monologue Helping or Hindering You?
Is having a constant stream of thought good for your mental health, or is being able to visualize without audio better? Can you turn off your inner monologue?What is it like to not internal dialogues with yourself?Claudi...
Season 2
Episode 1

Special Episode: Battle of the Red Flag vs Green Flag
Another "not a real episode", just thought you guys would enjoy a mash up of all the red flag, green flag segments while we work on season 2!!
Season 1
Episode 9

Who are Claudia and David and Why Do They Have a Podcast?
Hi! Nice to meet you! This isn't really a real episode but we realized we never gave ourselves a proper introduction so we wanted to share a little bit more on who we are, how we got here, why we have a podcast, and what we're really trying to ...
Season 1
Episode 8

Do You Need a Friend or a Therapist?
When do you need a friend vs a therapist? What should you do when you realize you’ve become your friends therapist? How do therapists act with their friends? And finally, do therapists need therapists?In a more late night chat vibe, Clau...
Season 1
Episode 7
Why Are You Always Tired? It's Not Just Lack of Sleep!
Are you tired, burnt out, overwhelmed, or just not resting well? Claudia and David discuss the different types of "tired", how to manage the feeling of guilt that comes with resting, and whether or not being tired is good for mental health.&nbs...
Season 1
Episode 6
Am I Sad or Is It Just Nighttime?
Is there a difference between feeling depressed and sad? Why is the top most googled search term at night in 2023 "Sadness"? Are we more sad at night because of the moon or is it mercury in retrograde? David and Claudia share when ...
Season 1
Episode 5
Do You Need More Friends or Better Friends?
As we get older, the number of friends we have seem to dwindle down...is it because we need more friends or simply because we seek quality over quantity in adult friendships? In this episode, Claudia and David share their thoughts o...
Season 1
Episode 4
The Ultimate Showdown: Are Cat People Better Than Dog People?
Research shows Cat People are ...how many more percent more neurotic than Dog People? In this episode, Claudia and David take on the debate of the century of whether there is a more superior Pet lover. They take a stance on whether they'r...
Season 1
Episode 2
Are You Chasing Red Flags or Actually the Red Flag?
In this episode, Claudia and David dive into the meaning of red flags, beige and green flags, the psychology behind why people chase red flags, and finally how you can change a red flag into a green flag.
Season 1
Episode 3
Do New Years Resolutions Work or Do They Just Add Stress?
Why do New Year’s Resolutions always feel so darn hard to keep? Are we doomed to set these resolutions on Dec 31 only to fail at it second week of January already? In this episode, Claudia and David discuss whether they set New Year...
Season 1
Episode 1